Kayak and Paddle Board Eco Tours- Paddling with Max and the Mangroves

I left the office today for a couple of hours to go paddling with Max. Sometimes you can do things like that when you live in paradise, especially when you work for a company named Fun! Seeking peace, I usually go out on the water alone. I'm almost fearless in the waters around Anna Maria Island, I fear only underwater missteps onto crustaceans, and mud. But Max knows everything about these waters, and the incredible creatures that live below and above them, and after 7 years here, I still have so much to learn! Max is our Eco Tour Guide at Fun and More Rentals, and he's got Anna Maria salt water in his veins. He's a true native son, who somehow never lost his sense of adventure and awe for his own back yard. At 25 his patient nature and inherent reverence for these waters and the life teaming all around belies the age of one much older, while his face belies the age of one much younger ( I would certainly card him for beer.) I was hoping to spot some do...