Shell Fun on Anna Maria Island

Welcome to the beautiful Anna Maria Island.
While on your stay be sure to head down to our clear water and white sandy beaches. Also look out for Sting rays,Starfish,Sand dollars and Sea shells while on the beach.

Sting Rays
Can live to 15 to 25 years old, and up to 790 lbs. String rays are a threatened species and they live in warm,tropical waters. There can be up to 8 in a litter. Favorite food is crustaceans,snails,and fish. DO NOT FEED OR TOUCH THEM!

Starfish only thrive in salt water, They have the ability to regenerate body parts. A lost limb of a starfish can create a new starfish. The average life span of a starfish is 35 years old. They are great to look at but please f you see one out of the water that is still of color then please help it back into the water. It is illegal to remove starfish from of water if alive. 

Sand dollar
Sand dollars move using the spines on the uderside body. They barrow down in the sand for protection and food. They are about 2 to 4 inches across. when they are dead they turn white and that is the only time you are allowed to take sand dollars off the beach. 

Also along the beach you will find some of our amazing Sea shells.
 They come in all different shapes and sizes.
 Here are well known sea shells that you can find on our beach while on your stay.

Chonch shells (Snails), Junonia shells, Lightening whelk shells, Cokle shells
Tulip Banded shells, Olive shell, Coquina shells, Murek Shell
Ceriths shells, Worm Snail shells, Spotted Slipper shells, Limpets shell
Turkey wing shell, Wentetraps shells, Calico Scallop shells
Florida Spiny Jewlbox,Jingle Shells

Instead of walking to the beach what better way to get to the beach or transport arounf the island then a golf cart or a beach cruiser! Just call Fun And More Rentals and snag them today! ;) 


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