Anna Maria's Beautiful Sea Turtles

 Anna Maria Island is a great place to enjoy the warm sunshine, sandy beaches, and the sounds of the waves crashing on the shorelines. With free delivery and pickup on the island, Bradenton Beach, and Holmes Beach Fun & More Rentals can provide you with everything you need for your vacation. We have canopies, chairs, umbrellas, kayaks, and paddle boards. Each year sea turtles come to the beaches from the gulf to start nesting. Nesting season for Anna Maria Island is from May to October.

   Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch has updated on their Facebook page that the island now has 13 Loggerhead Nests,70 Least Tern Nests, and 2 active Snowy Plover Nests. Recently there have been false crawls on Anna Maria Island. False crawls are when the turtles come to the beach to nest, but don't due to either being spooked or the female turtle doesn't like the area. The sea turtles are cute and amazing creatures; however, they are on the United States Endangered Species list. There are a few ways to help keep these beautiful creatures safe. 

    When you leave the beach take your equipment back to your house/rental location and then set it backup when you visit again. We know when you're on the beach you're going to want snacks and drinks, please remember to take your garbage with you and dispose of it properly. When taking the nightly walks with your furry companion or enjoying a romantic walk only use sea turtle safe lights. When using lights at night it confuses the turtles and they can't make it back to the ocean. While building those amazing sandcastles you probably made a few holes in the sand- fill the hole back up to help the turtles get to and from the shore safely. If you come across a turtle nest marked off observe it and take pictures from a distance. The nests can be easily disturbed if you're too close. If you find a unmarked sea turtle nest, call 941-778-5638. More information on Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch can be found at


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